Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Com tech 2

So I just got my first brief of the second year. knowing it was com tech I was worried I would have to do something really difficult like making the website last year. This year I'm actually excited to do Com tech. Basicly we have to think about the different technologies that we might have to use as practitioners and set ourselves projects to learn how to use them. I'm thinking of using mainly mark making materials and paper and photography.
In more detail, I would like to generally practice my illustrations and refine them, learn how to create textures using different mark-making materials, experement using different materials in general in my work.
Photography wise, my aim is to do lots of projects based around me learning the basics on my camera. I know the really basic this such as the Macro, portrait etc settings, but I would like to learn basic compositions, using lighting to my advantage, things like that.

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