Thursday, 11 November 2010

Craft - One day project

I decided I should make gift boxes for Brown day to sell. I made a box before for my friend but it was a very simple box. This made me want to try making something a bit more established. I looked on youtube for a video that would help me. I found some origami style boxes but I didnt think they would be good to make into christmas gift boxes. I found a video I thought would be quite suitible.

I watched this and thought I would go out and buy some fabric to wrap around the box to make it christmasy. This is how it turned out:

The net turned out fine. The style of the box was just how I wanted it.
I used sissors to cut the material which I probably shouldnt have done. Next time I will use a knife and ruler as it wasnt quite straight and the edges started flaking. I glued the material to the net after the box was constructed. I wasn't sure wether to do this or to glue it while it was flat. It seemed to work fine, the joint was'nt obvious and didnt stick out.
The holes were quite hard to do. I ended up just using a pen to stick through because I didn't have a hole punch. I'm going to have to go to the shop and buy one!
I think I will do this for the proper products.
I am planning on selling constructed boxes with material and hopefully nets with illustrations printed on.

I think the process of making the box was pretty simple. The little things involved however took a bit more thought. I am glad I have done this experement because now I know what I need to buy/use to make the gift boxes look finished so more could be sold on Brown day.

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