Saturday, 13 November 2010

Digital printing onto fabric

Now my illustrations are more developed, I need to find a suitable way of keeping them rather than just loose on sheets of paper. I like the idea of printing onto fabric, and I am curious as to whether having a pencil illustration onto canvas would work well or not.
I have just been booked into digital prin
t onto fabric. What I intend to do is to print one of my developed illustrations onto canvas and then stretch it over a frame to complete the canvas. Obviously it is not easy to draw straight onto canvas so digital printing seems the logical way to do this.
I am planning on making my canvas A3 / A2 size. This again is something different as I am used to working with A4.
When I went to see the technition about booking a time for me to print, I asked his how the image should be before printing.
- He told me the image should be whatever size I wanted.
- It should be in a Tif format
- The resolution should be around 350 for the size I amthinking of working with.

The technition has got about 8 different roles of different types of canvas, so I am able to chose the material which would suit what I am looking for.
If digital printing is a success and it suits my style of illustration I would be keen to keep practicing this method. It would also be a good idea to make my work a little different from the majority of the rest of the work entered into NEWA (National Exhibition of Wildlife Art) which is something I'm planning on doing in the near future.

First I had to decide which illustration to print. I have been practicing the coloured pencil and graphite combination and have narrowed it down to these pieces:

I decided upon the lion because it contained the full figure rather than being cut off at the side or on the feet.

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